
Send Your Own Friendship Diary!




안녕하세요! 이것이 나입니다. 당신은 우정의 일기를 쓰는 것을 사랑하는 경우, 단지 그것을 나에게 보내주세요! 그것을 보내주세요: mailtohina.DA@gmail.com. 내가 기다리고 있습니다!


Hi! This is me. If you love to writing diary about friendship, just send it to me! Send it to: mailtohina.DA@gmail.com. I will waiting!

Korean: Sunjinhan Yeon Mu
Japan: Aizawa Takamina


Extra Post II

Hi!This is Sunjinhan Yeon Mu (Maker of this blog).Cell me Yeon Mu,okay?I'm confused, a lot of people who have read this blog. However, only 5 people who follow. If you want to see the new entries, followers of this blog must be at least 10 people!Whatever you want say everything,i am not want to hear it.This is a PROMISE!


Bestfriend Promise 2

I will always be beside you
Until me very end
Wiping all your tears away
Being your Best Friend
I'll smile when you smile
And feel all the pain you feel
And if you cry a single fear
I promise I will cry too


Extension of BEST FRIENDS

Believe in each other
Exchange silly stories
Share favorite clothes
Tell it like it is

Find the answers
Rely on each other
Inspire bravery
Encourage dreams
Never stop caring
Devise crazy schemes
Stand by each other

Who is Best Friend? (Short Paper)

BEST FRIEND are the people that know all about you and still put up with you crap

Top 10 Reasons Our Friendship (Special Present For My Best Friend)

10.Seems like we've known each other forever
9.You tell me I don't look fat
8.You laugh at my jokes
7.We like the same junk food
6.Long phone conversations with no silent places
5.You'd share your last piece of chocolate
4.You always understand
3.You've seen me without make-up and you didn't scream *hah?
2.You five bad hair day sympathy
                                             AND THE #1 REASON:
                                         YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND

Bestfriend 1

You might be best friends on year
Pretty good friends the next year
Don't talk that often the next year
And don't want to talk at all the year after that
So,I just want to say
Even if I never talk to you again in my life
You are special to me and you have made a
Difference in my life
I look up to you,respect you and truly cherish you
Send this to all your friends
No matter how often you talk
Or how close you are
And send it to the person who send it to you
Let old friend's know you haven't forgotten them
And tell new friends you never will
Remember,everyone needs a friend
Someday you might feel like you have NO FRIENDS at all
Just remember this
And take comfort in knowing
Somebody out there cares about you and always will


Bestfriend Promise

Note:It's a promise,not a label.
Missing someone isn't about how long it's been since you've seen them last or the amount of time since you last talked.It's about that very moment when you're doing something and you wish that they were right there with you!!!